SBVB – Provisioning Center

Construction Simplified had just started to build a strong name in West Michigan as the leader in the emerging market of cannabis construction and given that solid reputation, we were contacted by a real estate investor to assist the new tenant to navigate the intricacies of the industry. Ultimately, like many retailers at that time, Joyology had a strong desire to get this project off the ground and be operational early in the market. This was to be the first of the Joyology branded retail locations which would be the standard for their future projects. With a goal of a high-end and fresh flower shop, the space was to convey the bubbly brand that they had envisioned with blending the architecture, lighting, and retail display fabrications.
With the city’s new cannabis ordinance in place, the Construction Simplified team worked swiftly to ensure compliance and ultimately, setting a path for Joyology to become our second completed and opened Provisioning Center in the city. We also held a parallel focus on the design process to ensure that all regulatory items were not overlooked when blended with the architecture forward design. Also, Joyology did not want to compromise quality given the challenge to get to market quickly. Therefore, Construction Simplified utilized efficient shop drawing reviews and detailed fabrication mockups to ensure those same fabricated items were completed well ahead of their in-place timelines.
Once construction permitting was in place, Construction Simplified went to work by coordinating with a group of trusted and qualified subcontractors who understood the purpose of this build. Yes, we needed to go fast and do it with perfection, but given ever changing parallel brand building of Joyology, we empowered the created solutions of our subcontractors to creatively and inexpensively create solutions to Joyology’ s requests. This back-and-forth communication, led by our CS team, proved quite valuable to the client as many unique ideas were created, implemented, and loved.
Construction Simplified’s client was able to feel confident that their new investment and business endeavor not only met all necessary regulatory requirements, exceeded their vision boards in terms of appearance, but also was readied for full operation prior to their proforma’s goal.